Monday, August 21, 2017


More Water thefts in progress were brought to my attention this past week. Of course my blood pressure shot up!
Water Rights Owners, PLEASE get proactive and do these things NOW!
a) Find your original Water Rights certificates.
b) Note the "Allotment Quantity."
c) Note the "Date of Adjudication."
d) Demand whoever's trying to take your Water (could be an MUD, one of the 7 Water Districts etc.) to show you the date upon which they claim your Water Rights were extinguished. They can't, because those rights - under Colorado's "Prior Appropriation" have NEVER been extinguished!
The following may be happening on other rivers, but because I'm most familiar with the S. Platte, hereon I'll be referring to it. Should you want to sell your shares, I urge you to sell your original "Allotment Quantity," NOT your Consumptive Use. Or, if you do choose to sell your Consumptive Use, remember that you retain and may use the margin between Consumptive Use and Allotment Quantity.
Why do I recommend this? Because the Water Thieves are manipulating instream flows making for a deliberate overhydration effect. Overhydration simultaneously raises the water table and decreases your Consumptive Use, thereby diminishing the value of your shares.
Demand Governor Hickenlooper withdraw Colorado from Governor Bill Owens tri-state agreement called the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program.
Colorado doesn't have either the Water or the $'s to giveaway...period!
You should ask, "Why isn't the acre feet or $ commitment amount of the PRRIP noted in the Colorado Water Plan?
The "why" is allegedly: It's the "carriage vessel" used by Water Thieves to move Senior Water past its historic dry up around Kersey, CO where it's peeled off (aka diverted) and sold to power plant, cities, and popping wells for new pivots (aka "redistributing agriculture").
When you pass new pivots out around Sterling, CO, just be aware that they were installed by Junior Water Rights Owners who are probably using Senior Water to make the massive lush cornfields (Sold for ethanol?).
Anyway, please know that you have "rights." And by God, exercise them!
Thank you.

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