by Roni Bell 4/19/20
Though I've listened in earnest for over 15 years, I still don't "get" those who so blindly support Al Gore's anthropogenic global warming claim.
Al's followers cannot give a scientifically based reason as to why they believe man controls the climate. Yet when you counter with science, they're quick to shout, "you don't believe in science!"Yeh. It's a real head banger!
Let's get serious and pretend Al shows up on your doorstep eager to sell you his "man controls the climate" product.
Al can't describe his product, but you know instinctively it isn't something you need or want.
He boasts, "97% of all scientists believe in my product."
When you ask for the names of these scientists, he answers, "I'm not interested in telling you."
So you ask, "Well, will you at least provide 1 among them to debate any 1 of the 30,000 scientists whose findings differ?"
Al repeats, "I'm not interested."
You ask, "What good will your product do for community..."
Al begins shouting, "I'm not interested in arguing with you," and leaves!
You begin researching and find that Al's product is quite shoddy, doesn't come with a warranty, and has a price tag that Mom would say, "You can't afford that! If you really want it, work hard and earn enough to pay cash!"
But Mom's advice was for items around a hundred bucks. Not Al's price tag of several trillion bucks!
Then Greta Thunberg came along. I don't know this child, but just observing her from afar, she appears to be an angry, troubled child. A child likely being used by adults to sell Al's stinking rotten product.
Greta, like most who believe in Al's product, reads from the same script. It's as though they belong in the same cult.
Which brings thoughts as to how Jim Jones lured people into believing him.
So evil was Jim Jones and his People's Temple and Jonestown, that one has to really steel up to research...even for a minute.
But I did. And found this:
"Those who join cults don't do so with the intention of demeaning themselves or torturing children. They join in the hope of creating a better world, and because they believe in a lie, or a series of lies, in the same way that the rest of us sometimes find ourselves falling in love with the wrong person or allowing ourselves to be manipulated." By K. Harary, published March 1, 1992 Psychology Today
Friends, I see Harary's words as pretty much summing up the whole of believers in Al Gore's AGW claim.
That's all...
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