Sunday, February 2, 2025



by Roni Bell

In about 1986, Father Kros told me, "I'm seeing a future generation of children who won't know right from wrong."

Thinking he was joking I asked, "What tells you that?" 

He answered, "No boundaries. Parents no longer give their children boundaries. First they lie. Parent doesn't say NO! NO is a boundary. No 'protects' a child.  So the kid moves on to bigger things like cheat, steal and on..."

Today, we're seeing the results of Father Kros's observations. 

Even research is now risky for any age. Example: Trying to find a photo of General Patton to use with one of his quotes, I was bombarded with photos of females with their naked legs wide open and teats hanging out surrounded by bold print ads Best Erection Pill - and THINGS YOU'VE DONE WRONG ALL YOUR LIFE!

The trail to facts now gets rudely interrupted with invasions of penis envy and angry vaginas.

Because no one said “no." 

In cities you see buildings papered with billboards showcasing pedophilia under the guise of clothes ads. Sidewalks are filled with faces of children whose lives became pamphleted brochures about their whoring skills as adults. 

Because no one said "no." 

Yesterday, my Mom could walk into Paul's Drug Store in Papillion, NE and simply motion to Paul, "Put those Playboys behind the counter where children can't see them,” and he would.

Today the drugstore owner will call an attorney and a media that'd eagerly broadcast his, "I'm suing Mrs. Bell! She's an uptight right wing, Republican moron, idiot, bossy old bitch."

Because no one said "no."

Walk through any store today, and you hear people loudly saying unfiltered "F this and I don’t give a S that.”

Decades ago, at a park in Omaha, a big fight broke out. When one of the shirtless fighters crashed on my picnic table, I muttered, "Why don't you go home and have your Momma change your diaper?"

He roared back, "Why don't you go home and F yourself."

Never again would I confront a vulgar angry person. Knowing they could possibly silence me with a knife stabbing stopped me from saying “no.”

It's all upside down. For example: There’s a movement to outlaw the fattening the liver of a duck or goose to get Foie Gras. Contrarily it’s acceptable to fatten the mind of a baby to get evil actions. Or abort the baby and protect predator wolves.

Reading about possible "Sex Ed" in school spurred my first letter to the editor in 1969. I wish I had a copy. Anyway, I remember basically ending it with something along the line of, “Where are the boundaries? Boundaries are healthy. Otherwise, We’ll end up with naked exhibitionists letting it all hang out. How does that help anyone?"  

Repeat: Father Kros told me, "I'm seeing a future generation of children who won't know right from wrong."

I thought he was joking.

He wasn’t.

Because no one said “no.”


If you want to protect Children and help them learn right from wrong, here’s a start.  Set a "NO" boundary on yourself, and not subject children to vulgar gutter words.


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