Friday, March 9, 2018


What Farmers and Ranchers need is WATER! 
Last night Tomi Lahren interviewed Californians about "illegal" immigrants. 
One girl made the typical ill informed crack, "farmers need undocumented workers so we can get our avocados. I like avocados, don't you? Don't you like your guacamole" Tomi? 
Even allegedly "intelligent- informed" media and bureaucrats make such stupid wise cracks! 
Stop it already! 
No farmer hires "undocumented" - or "illegal" immigrants. 
Farmers and ranchers go through a very articulate process to hire individuals from other countries that "know how" to handle their cattle/sheep/veggies etc. 
PLEASE stop perpetuating inaccurate claims, "farmers need undocumented workers." 
Also, where are all these "workers?" We know many farmers and ranchers who are having to go out of business because they can't FIND qualified individuals - documented or U.S. Citizens - who know how to work the fields, cattle, sheep etc. 
With the monies states are getting to handle illegals, no wonder they don't work. Where's that money going anyway? 
What farmers and ranchers REALLY need is WATER! 
Why don't you all work on that?

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