Tuesday, November 27, 2018


www.AmericanConsumerTax.com ACT

Free us from dependency on C.P.A.'s and Attorneys!
No way should you ever have to be dependent on C.P.A.'s and Attorneys, to do your taxes!
Wouldn't you like to keep your paycheck? Decide how you want/need to use it? Not the government?
Then help push for the termination of taxing incomes, and transition in a straight consumer tax.
Guess what folks? My Denver neighbor earned his living selling updated I.R.S. regulations to C.P.A.'s.
Now think about that. Even 40 years ago, taxes were so complex, that one had to hire a C.P.A. to do them.
Instead of getting simpler, they're now so complicated one needs to retain both an Attorney and a C.P.A.
Listen up a second. To me, the way the I.R.S. lays out options and instructions online, makes it easy to navigate.
You can get a lot of work done online. An option you didn't have yesterday!
BUT, should you do that, and your C.P.A. or attorney finds out, they're quick to inform, "You should have had ME do it!"
BOY that irritates me!
Because parallel to I.R.S.'s simplification, Attorneys and C.P.A.'s have mystified it! It seems they want to maintain a level of confusion and fear that should you "do something wrong, you'll suffer heavy penalties!"
Do they want you to be dependent on them? I wonder.
Most of us can't afford to retain a C.P.A. to do our taxes; much less an attorney. And when one does shell out the bucks to do so, often, the attorneys, C.P.A.'s and I.R.S. agents get into big quibbles over interpretation minutia in the continuing fluidity of regulations.
There shouldn't be such a thing as a "master’s in taxation." It's really just some slug trying to keep on top of the regs, so YOU don't get in a pickle with the I.R.S.
This is unacceptable! Period!
Taxes should be so simple, that even I can do them.
A real solution to taxation is to eliminate taxing one’s income and go to a straight consumer tax. That way, each person who purchases something while on American soil, will contribute towards America's maintenance.
The American Consumer Tax is worth a serious look.
As many of you, I too received this notice from Senator Michael Bennett:
Do you need help with the IRS,
Social Security Administration, VA, or another federal agency? Do you have a suggestion for an action Congress could take to help your family or community? If so, then I invite you to meet with my Regional Director, James Thompson, on Thursday, November 29 in Weld County.
I thank Senator Bennett, for looking into this.
Let's join and push for www.AmericanConsumerTax.com www.AmericanConsumerTax.com
ACT now!

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