Sunday, November 25, 2018


Toooo Chipper
Am recalling an overly chipper little gal who tried giving a motivational talk to a bunch of farmers.
Glazing over, they just shoulder slumped endured and looked at her.
Afterwards, I felt compelled to explain to the young woman, "The reason they didn't respond, is because they're the most beat up industry in the U.S."
"Our ranchers and farmers are under non-stop attacks by the EPA, ESA, USDA, DOI, government partnered eco-criminal groups like TNC, Sierra club, Earthjustice and World Wildlife Foundation, Al Gore, BLM, Forest Service, Federal Reserve, USFWS, Army Corps of Engineers, animal rights groups like HSUS, PETA and ASPCA, WATER THIEVES, conservation easements and too often their own ag organizations!"
I continued, "Farming and ranching are FULL time jobs. When they have to leave their jobs to go into town for meetings to try and protect their jobs, they accrue heavy expenses. Contrast that to the fact that the attackers are PAID to attack. Believe me, they're exhausted! They're overwhelmed!"
She curtly responded, "I give this talk to many groups. They love it."
Herein lays the problem; she, like most, only hear themselves.
Lazy, they demand "one size fits all!"
It doesn't. Not in trade, needs, media, work, education, food, love, welfare, songs, thinking and so on.
Being chipper to someone who's just climbed out of hell never fits. Period.

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